7 thoughts on “Announcement About Shen Yi Di Nu

  1. I think I already posted something similar to another posts of yours, but that sucks. Didn’t know that Babel took over it. I hope they didn’t take your translated work and passed it off as theirs though.


  2. Does this mean the manhua, which is still being translated, should be ended too? Just curious since they usually drop licensed projects and they haven’t stopped yet. Imho, the Novel was way better than the manhua that left bits out. Some of what was cut out of the comic, partially broke stuff later or made it weird. Like they don’t even mention the ride to the dinner party being on boats or the accidents. They also kinda mention very little about her cat.


  3. I started reading the manhua and really liked the story so I wanted to read the novel too. I could only read your translations up to chapter 30 but I loved them and wanted to thank you for the hard work!
    It really sucks that they licensed it tho T.T


  4. I took a pause on reading the novel a few months ago. And now I come back to find out that the chapters are deleted and now licensed. 😭 I was on chapter 592!

    Welp, thank you for your time translating the novel! It was much appreciated. 🙏🏽


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